"Gud am, we have labor now, g2p1, 6cm, 80effaced,+1, membrane intact, vital's normal" Text sent at 3:29am. Could there be a better reason to get up at 3am than to help participate in the miracle of a birth?! I'm pretty thrilled to be so fortunate to receive such texts and participate in these life giving events.
I've finally, officially caught my first baby! He was born September 23rd at 11:13pm and he is beautiful! Of course, Sherina, our head midwife helped me catch him, but it still felt wonderful to actually have this hands-on experience.

Here I am doing the baby check on him. After every birth, the baby is immediately placed on the mother's belly until the cord is clamped (the cord is clamped after it stops pulsating, usually about 5-10 minutes after birth). Once the cord is clamped, the baby

After the baby check, which includes obtaining the baby's length, weight, head circumference, etc, we dress the baby in clothes provided by the family. Every baby here wears mittens and booties and gets wrapped like a little burrito! Here is me and the little cutie pre-wrap!

Hey Kirsten,
I don't know if the timezone posted on here is when you posted in the Phillipines or what time it was here when you posted. I'm worried about you. I saw on the news about the storm in Manila. Please let me know your ok as soon as you can.
9-23, that's Logan's birthday!
I'm so glad that breastfeeding is given so much importance. I wish the US routinely gave mom/baby 1hr to bond/initiate bf before routine baby checks.
Hope to see/talk to you on Skype soon.
Hi Kirsten, You look so happy in these pictures. How wonderful that you can experience this. I love you. Miss you. I wish you many more birthing experienes. Mommy.
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